Artsivi Supporters

We hereby like to emphasize the special contributions of our Artsivi (Imperial Eagle) supporters. As of early 2021, our membership programme has stopped and we no longer have Artsivi supporters.


Erik Schorpion (Belgium), Diego Jansen (Netherlands), Bram Renmans (Belgium)


Kathleen Burger (US), Frits Hoogeveen (Netherlands), Bram Renmans (Belgium), Eric Holmstrom (USA), Erik Schorpion (Belgium), Stefan Wegleitner (Austria), Paul Osterrieth (Belgium)


Reiner Petrick (Germany), Anne Redston (UK), Erik Schorpion (Belgium), Kathleen Burger (US), Tony McGuire (UK), Bram Renmans (Belgium), Frits Hoogeveen (Netherlands), Patrick Veale (Ireland), Barbara De Coninck (Belgium)


Arthur Green (US), Lenze Hofstee (Netherlands), Rob A. Mills (UK), Erik Schorpion (Belgium), Richard Tyler (UK), Michiel Herkemij Westerman (Netherlands), Bram Renmans (Belgium)


Rudolf Triebl (Austria), M. de Weirdt (Netherlands), Arthur Green (US), Ward Vercruysse (Belgium), Jos van Oostveen (Netherlands), Clas Malmström (Sweden), Stefan Wegleitner (Austria)


Jacques Bultot (Belgium), Stefan Wegleitner (Austria), Hans Sigg (Switzerland), Wim Bovens (Belgium), Arthur Green (US)


Support us

As a 100% volunteer-based organisation we are highly dependent on and grateful for all donations. Every contribution makes a real difference to us.