We’re looking for volunteers for Autumn 2024


After successfully finishing another crowdfunding campaign, we’re happy to announce the call for counters. We have now opened the application form and are looking for counters to join us between August 12th and October 21st, 2024. As always, we are looking for volunteers of all skill levels with an interest in migration, the ability to work in a team, and the possibility to commit for at least two weeks. Joining our count as a counter is a great opportunity to learn more about raptors and their identification, while also contributing to long-term population monitoring. Volunteers will stay at one of the local guesthouses and enjoy the passage of over 1 million birds of prey together with other likeminded volunteers from all over the world. The daily fee depends on the length of your stay and ranges between €12 and €24. Students can pay a discounted fee and Georgian counters can join for free (limited places available).


Education activities are kicking off