Count Coordinators for Autumn 2021


We approach the future with hope in our hearts and have started planning the BRC Autumn Count 2021. The count will run from the 12th of August until the 21st of October. We are searching for brave count coordinators to lead the team of raptor counters in one of the most magnificent bottlenecks in the world.

Surely, there are many unanswered questions regarding the pandemic, and we are closely following its course. However, counting more than one million birds takes some planning and if we do not start the preparations now, later is too late.

If you are interested in the position, please continue reading for more information and submit your application by the 31st of March.

PS. Applications to volunteer counter positions will be opened in April.


Now Open Access: From migration counts to conservation in a flyway under threat


BRC Spring Count 2021 Cancelled