BRC at the Extremadura Birdwatching Fair in Spain

After having had stands at birdfairs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Great Britain, this year was the first time BRC was actively promoted in Spain. During 27 Feb - 1 March 2015 we shared a stand with Ecotono birding Sevilla at the Extremadura Birdwatching Fair (FIO). Rafa and Blanca advertised birdwatching around Batumi and introduced people to our project and the autumn count. Rafa even held a presentation about the BRC project and migration at the Batumi bottleneck. It was great to have so many spectators!

The next event where BRC will be present is the Dutch Birding Vogeldag on 21 March 2015 in Lunteren, the Netherlands. We hope to see you there!

With kind regards,
The BRC Team

Dries Engelen


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